Gogoleva V.S., Drutskaya M.S., Vorontsov A.I., Atretkhany K.N., Belogurov A.A. Jr, Kruglov A.A., Nedospasov S.A. Lymphotoxins from distinct types of lymphoid cells differentially contribute to neuroinflammation. Eur J Immunol. 2024:e2350977. doi: 10.1002/eji.202350977.
Gubernatorova E.O., Samsonov M.Y., Drutskaya M.S., Lebedeva S., Bukhanova D., Materenchuk M., Mutig K. Targeting inerleukin-6 for renoprotection. Front Immunol. 2024. 15:1502299. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1502299.
Nosenko M., Anisov D., Gubernatorova E., Gorshkova E., Zeng Y.R., Ye D., Wang P., Finlay D., Drutskaya M., Nedospasov S. Itaconate and dimethyl itaconate upregulate IL-6 production in the LPS-induced inflammation in mice. J Leukoc Biol., 2024. 116(3):611-620 DOI: 10.1093/jleuko/qiae149.
Ustiuzhanina M.O., Boyko A.A., Vavilova J.D., Siniavin A.E., Streltsova M.A., Astrakhantseva I.V., Drutskaya M.S., Chudakov D.M., Kovalenko E.I. The Antigen-Specific Response of NK Cells to SARS-CoV-2 Correlates With KIR2DS4 Expression. J Med Virol. 2024. 96(11):e70057. DOI: 10.1002/jmv.70057.
Yurakova T.R., Gorshkova E.A., Nosenko M.A., Drutskaya M.S. Metabolic Adaptations and Functional Activity of Macrophages in Homeostasis and Inflammation. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2024. 89(5):817-838. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924050043
Gogoleva V.S., Nguyen Q.C., Drutskaya M.S. Microglia and Dendritic Cells as a Source of IL-6 in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2024. 89(5):904-911. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924050109.
Nedospasov S.A., Kruglov A.A., Tumanov A.V., Drutskaya M.S., Astrakhantseva I.V., Kuprash D.V. Reverse Genetics Applied to Immunobiology of Tumor Necrosis Factor, a Multifunctional Cytokine. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2024. 89(5):853-861. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924050067.
Pukhalskaia T.V., Yurakova T.R., Bogdanova D.A., Demidov O.N. Tumor-Associated Senescent Macrophages, Their Markers, and Their Role in Tumor Microenvironment. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2024. 89(5):839-852. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924050055.
Kruglov A.A., Bondareva M.A., Gogoleva V.S., Semin I.K., Astrakhantseva I.V., Zvartsev R.V., Lunin A.A., Apolokhov V.D., Shustova E.Yu., Volok V.P., Ustyugov A.A., Ishmukhametov A.A., Nedospasov S.A., Kozlovskaya L.I., Drutskaya M.S. Inactivated whole virion vaccine protects K18-hACE2 Tg mice against Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant via cross-reactive T cells and non-neutralizing antibody responses. Eur J Immunol. 2023. DOI: 10.1002/eji.202350664.
Gorshkova E.A., Gubernatorova E.O., Dvorianinova E.M., Yurakova T.R., Marey M.V., Averina O.A., Holtze S., Hildebrandt T.B., Dmitriev A.A., Drutskaya M.S., Vyssokikh M.Y., Nedospasov S.A. "Macrophages from naked mole-rat possess distinct immunometabolic signatures upon polarization". Front Immunol. 2023. 14, 1172467. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1172467
Gubernatorova E.O., Gorshkova E.A., Bondareva M.A., Podosokorskaya O.A., Sheynova A.D., Yakovleva A.S., Bonch-Osmolovskaya E.A., Nedospasov S.A., Kruglov A.A., Drutskaya M.S. “Akkermansia muciniphila – friend or foe in colorectal cancer?” Front. Immunol. 2023. 14:1303795. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1303795.
Astrakhantseva I.V., Ershova A.E., Chuvpilo S.A., Kruglova N.A., Ishmukhametov A.A., Drutskaya M.S., Kozlovskaya L.I., Nedospasov S.A. "SARS-CoV-2 Binding and Neutralization Properties of Peptides Derived from N-Terminus of Human ACE2". Int J Mol Sci. 2023. 24, 9, 8269, DOI: 10.3390/ijms24098269.
Bondareva M., Budzinski L., Durek P., Witkowski M., Angermair S., Ninnemann J, Kreye J, Letz P, Ferreira-Gomes M, Semin I, Guerra GM, Momsen Reincke S, Sánchez-Sendin E, Yilmaz S, Sempert T, Heinz GA, Tizian C, Raftery M, Schönrich G, Matyushkina D, Smirnov IV, Govorun VM, Schrezenmeier E, Stefanski AL, Dörner T, Zocche S, Viviano E, Klement N, Sehmsdorf KJ, Lunin A, Chang HD, Drutskaya M, Kozlovskaya L, Treskatsch S, Radbruch A, Diefenbach A, Prüss H, Enghard P, Mashreghi MF, Kruglov AA. "Cross-regulation of antibody responses against the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and commensal microbiota via molecular mimicry." Cell Host Microbe. 2023. 31(11):1866-1881.e10. DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2023.10.007.
Lakin R., Polidovitch N., Yang S., Parikh M., Liu X., Debi R., Gao X., Chen W., Guzman C., Yakobov S., Izaddoustdar F., Wauchop M., Lei Q., Xu W., Nedospasov S.A., Christoffels V.M., Backx P.H. "Cardiomyocyte and endothelial cells play distinct roles in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-dependent atrial responses and increased atrial fibrillation vulnerability induced by endurance exercise training in mice". Cardiovasc Res. 2023. DOI: 10.1093/cvr/cvad144.
Wen Y, Lu X, Privratsky JR, Ren J, Ali S, Yang B, Rudemiller NP, Zhang J, Nedospasov SA, Crowley SD. "TNF-α From the Proximal Nephron Exacerbates Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy". Kidney360. 2023. DOI: 10.34067/KID.0000000000000314.
Ustiuzhanina M.O., Vavilova J.D., Boyko A.A., Streltsova M.A., Kust S.A., Kanevskiy L.M., Sapozhnikov A.M., Iskhakov R.N., Gubernatorova E.O., Drutskaya M.S., Bychinin M.V., Zhukova O.A., Novikova O.N., Sotnikova A.G., Yusubalieva G.M., Baklaushev V.P., Kovalenko E.I. "Coordinated Loss and Acquisition of NK Cell Surface Markers Accompanied by Generalized Cytokine Dysregulation in COVID-19". Int J Mol Sci. 2023. 24, 3, 1996. DOI: 10.3390/ijms24031996.
Vavilova J.D., Ustiuzhanina M.O., Boyko A.A., Streltsova M.A., Kust S.A., Kanevskiy L.M., Iskhakov R.N., Sapozhnikov A.M., Gubernatorova E.O., Drutskaya M.S., Bychinin M.V., Novikova O.N., Sotnikova A.G., Yusubalieva G.M., Baklaushev V.P., Kovalenko E.I. "Alterations in the CD56- and CD56+ T Cell Subsets during COVID-19". Int J Mol Sci. 2023. 24, 10, 9047. DOI: 10.3390/ijms24109047
Boyko A.A., Ustiuzhanina M.O., Vavilova J.D., Streltsova M.A., Kust S.A., Siniavin A.E., Astrakhantseva I.V., Drutskaya M.S., Kovalenko E.I. "Phenotypic Changes in T and NK Cells Induced by Sputnik V Vaccination". Vaccines (Basel) 2023. 11,6, 1047. DOI: 10.3390/vaccines11061047
Zheremyan EA, Ustiugova AS, Uvarova AN, Karamushka NM, Stasevich EM, Gogoleva VS, Bogolyubova AV, Mitkin NA, Kuprash DV, Korneev KV. "Differentially activated B cells develop regulatory phenotype and show varying immunosuppressive features: a comparative study". Front Immunol. 2023. 14:1178445. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1178445.
Yurakova T.R., Gubernatorova E.O., Gorshkova E.A., Nosenko M.A., Nedospasov S.A., Drutskaya M.S. "HDM induces distinct immunometabolic phenotype in macrophages in TLR4-dependent manner". BBA-Mol basis dis. 2022. 1868, 12 166531, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2022.166531
Gogoleva V.S., Kuprash D.V., Grivennikov S.I., Tumanov A.V., Kruglov A.A., Nedospasov S.A. LTα, TNF, and ILC3 in Peyer’s Patch Organogenesis. Cells. 2022. 11, 1970, DOI: 10.3390/cells11121970
Namakanova O.A., Gorshkova E.A., Zvartsev R.V., Nedospasov S.A., Drutskaya M.S., Gubernatorova E.O. Therapeutic Potential of Combining IL-6 and TNF Blockade in a Mouse Model of Allergic Asthma. Int J Mol Sci. 2022. 23, 73521, DOI: 10.3390/ijms23073521
Lechner A., Henkel F.D.R., Hartung F., Bohnacker S., Alessandrini F., Gubernatorova E.O., Drutskaya M.S., Angioni C., Schreiber Y., Haimerl P., Ge Y., Thomas D., Kabat A.M., Pearce E.J., Ohnmacht C., Nedospasov S.A., Murray P.J., Chaker A.M., Schmidt-Weber C.B., Esser-von Bieren J. Macrophages acquire a TNF-dependent inflammatory memory in allergic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022. 149, 6, 2078 - 2090 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2021.11.026
Ninnemann J., Winsauer C., Bondareva M., Kuehl A.A., Lozza L., Durek P., Lissner D., Siegmund B., Kaufmann S.H.E., Mashreghi Mir-Farzin, Nedospasov S.A., Kruglov A.A. TNF hampers intestinal tissue repair in colitis by restricting IL-22 bioavailability". Mucosal Immunol. 2022. 15, 698 - 716 DOI: 10.1038/s41385-022-00506-x
Krut VG, Astrakhantseva IV, Chuvpilo SA, Efimov GA, Ambaryan SG, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA. Antibodies to the N-Terminal Domain of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE2) That Block Its Interaction with SARS-CoV-2 S Protein. Dokl Biochem Biophys. 2022. 502(1):1-4. DOI: 10.1134/S160767292201001X.
Krut VG, Chuvpilo SA, Astrakhantseva IV, Kozlovskaya LI, Efimov GA, Kruglov AA, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA. Will Peptides Help to Stop COVID-19? Biochemistry (Mosc). 2022. 87(7):590-604. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297922070021.
Chang H.D., Radbruch A., Kallinich T., Mashreghi M.F., Hegazy A.N., Kruglov A., Nedospasov S., Baumgrass R. How T lymphocytes coordinate rheumatic inflammation. Z Rheumatol. 2022. 81, 8, 635 - 641 DOI: 10.1007/s00393-022-01186-5.
Gogoleva V.S., Atretkhany K.N., Dygay A.P., Yurakova T.R., Drutskaya M.S., Nedospasov S.A. Current Perspectives on the Role of TNF in Hematopoiesis Using Mice With Humanization of TNF/LT System. Front Immunol. 2021. 12, 661900, DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.661900
Gubernatorova E.O., Namakanova O.A., Gorshkova E.A., Medvedovskaya A.D., Nedospasov S.A., Drutskaya M.S. Novel Anti-Cytokine Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of Respiratory Allergic Diseases. Front Immunol. 2021. 1218, 601842, DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.601842
Gubernatorova E.O., Polinova A.I., Petropavlovskiy M.M., Namakanova O.A., Medvedovskaya A.D., Zvartsev R.V., Telegin G.B., Drutskaya M.S., Nedospasov S.A. Dual role of TNF and LTα in carcinogenesis as implicated by studies in mice. Cancers. 2021. 13, 81775, DOI: 10.3390/cancers13081775
Nosenko M.A., Atretkhany K.-S.N., Mokhonov V.V., Chuvpilo S.A., Yanvarev D.V., Drutskaya M.S., Tillib S.V., Nedospasov S.A. Generation and Evaluation of Bispecific Anti-TNF Antibodies Based on Single-Chain VHH Domains. Methods Mol Biol. 2021. 2248, 91 - 107. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1130-2_7
Nosenko M.A., Moysenovich A.M., Arkhipova A.Y., Atretkhany K.-S.N., Nedospasov S.A., Drutskaya M.S., Moisenovich M.M., "Fibroblasts upregulate expression of adhesion molecules and promote lymphocyte retention in 3D fibroin/gelatin scaffolds. Bioactive Materials. 2021. 6, 10, 3449 - 3460. DOI: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.03.016
Borisova E.V., Turovsky E.A., Turovskaya M.V., Tomilin A.N., Nedospasov S.A., Tarabykin V.S. ENU mutagenesis as a tool for identifying novel mouse models of epilepsy. Opera Medica et Physiologica. 2021. 8, 1, 5 - 11. DOI: 10.24412/2500-2295-2021-1-5-11
Diallo K., Simons N., Sayegh S., Baron M., Degboé Y., Boyer J.-F., Kruglov A., Nedospasov S., Novarino J., Aloulou M., Fazilleau N., Constantin A., Cantagrel A., Davignon J.-L., Rauwel B. Evidence for tmTNF reverse signaling in vivo: Implications for an Arginase-1 mediated therapeutic effect of TNF-inhibitors during inflammation. iScience. 2021. 24, 4102331, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102331
Dudeck J., Kotrba J., Immler R., Hoffmann A., Voss M., Alexaki V.I., Morton L., Jahn S.R., Katsoulis-Dimitriou K., Winzer S., Kollias G., Fischer T., Nedospasov S.A., Dunay I.R., Chavakis T., Müller A.J., Schraven B., Sperandio M., Dudeck A. Directional mast cell degranulation of tumor necrosis factor into blood vessels primes neutrophil extravasation. Immunity. 2021. 54, 3, 468-483.e5 DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.12.017
Germanova D., Keirsse J., Köhler A., Hastir J.-F., Demetter P., Delbauve S., Elkrim Y., Verset L., Larbanoix L., Preyat N., Laurent S., Nedospasov S., Donckier V., Van Ginderachter J.A., Flamand V. Myeloid tumor necrosis factor and heme oxygenase-1 regulate the progression of colorectal liver metastases during hepatic ischemia-reperfusion. Int J Cancer. 2021. 148, 5, 1276 - 1288 DOI: 10.1002/ijc.33334
Kruglov A., Drutskaya M., Schlienz D., Gorshkova E., Kurz K., Morawietz L., Nedospasov S. Contrasting contributions of TNF from distinct cellular sources in arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2020. 79, 11, 1453 - 1459 DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-216068
Gubernatorova EO, Gorshkova EA, Polinova AI, Drutskaya MS. IL-6: Relevance for immunopathology of SARS-CoV-2. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2020. 53:13-24. doi: 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2020.05.009.
Drutskaya M.S., Nosenko M.A., Gorshkova E.A., Mokhonov V.V., Zvartsev R.V., Polinova A.I., Kruglov A.A., Nedospasov S.A. Effects of myeloid cell-restricted TNF inhibitors in vitro and in vivo. J Leukoc Biol. 2020. 107, 6, 933 - 939 DOI: 10.1002/JLB.3AB0120-532R
Atretkhany K.N., Gogoleva V.S., Drutskaya M.S., Nedospasov S.A. Distinct modes of TNF signaling through its two receptors in health and disease. J Leukoc Biol. 2020. 107, 6, 893 – 905. DOI: 10.1002/JLB.2MR0120-510R
Vasilenko E.A., Gorshkova E.N., Astrakhantseva I.V., Drutskaya M.S., Tillib S.V., Nedospasov S.A., Mokhonov V.V. The structure of myeloid cell-specific TNF inhibitors affects their biological properties. FEBS Letters. 2020. 594, 21, 3542 - 3550 DOI: 10.1002/1873-3468.13913
Dinh D.D., Lidington D., Kroetsch J.T., Ng C., Zhang H., Nedospasov S.A., Heximer S.P., Bolz S.S. Experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage drives catecholamine-dependent cardiac and peripheral microvascular dysfunction. Front Physiol. 2020. 11, 402, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00402
Ellman D.G., Lund M.C., Nissen M., Nielsen P.S., Sørensen C., Lester E.B., Thougaard E., Jørgensen L.H., Nedospasov S.A., Andersen D.C., Stubbe J., Brambilla R., Degn M., Lambertsen K.L. Conditional Ablation of Myeloid TNF Improves Functional Outcome and Decreases Lesion Size after Spinal Cord Injury in Mice. Cells. 2020. 9, 112407, DOI: 10.3390/cells9112407
Wen Y., Rudemiller N.P., Zhang J., Robinette T., Lu X., Ren J., Privratsky J.R., Nedospasov S.A., Crowley S.D. TNF-α in T lymphocytes attenuates renal injury and fibrosis during nephrotoxic nephritis. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2020. 318, 1F107-F116, DOI: 10.1152/ajprenal.00347.2019
Nosenko MA, Atretkhany KN, Mokhonov VV, Vasilenko EA, Kruglov AA, Tillib SV, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA. Modulation of bioavailability of proinflammatory cytokines produced by myeloid cells. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2019. 49(3S):S39-S42. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2019.09.012.
Gogoleva VS, Drutskaya MS, Atretkhany KS. The Role of Microglia in the Homeostasis of the Central Nervous System and Neuroinflammation. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2019. 53(5):790-798. doi: 10.1134/S0026898419050057.
Gorshkova EA, Zvartsev RV, Drutskaya MS, Gubernatorova EO. Humanized Mouse Models as a Tool to Study Proinflammatory Cytokine Overexpression. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2019. 53(5):755-773. doi: 10.1134/S0026898419050070.
Nosenko MA, Ambaryan SG, Drutskaya MS. Proinflammatory Cytokines and Skin Wound Healing in Mice. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2019. 53(5):741-754. doi: 10.1134/S0026898419050136.
Bonnardel J, T’Jonck W, Gaublomme D, Browaeys R, Scott CL, Martens L, Vanneste B, De Prijck S, Nedospasov SA, Kremer A, Van Hamme E, Borghgraef P, Toussaint W, De Bleser P, Mannaerts I, Beschin A, van Grunsven LA, Lambrecht BN, Taghon T, Lippens S, Elewaut D, Saeys Y, Guilliams M. Stellate Cells, Hepatocytes, and Endothelial Cells Imprint the Kupffer Cell Identity on Monocytes Colonizing the Liver Macrophage Niche. Immunity. 2019. 51(4):638-654.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.08.017.
Wen Y, Lu X, Ren J, Privratsky JR, Yang B, Rudemiller NP, Zhang J, Griffiths R, Jain MK, Nedospasov SA, Liu BC, Crowley SD. KLF4 in Macrophages Attenuates TNFα-Mediated Kidney Injury and Fibrosis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2019. 30(10):1925-1938. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2019020111.
Belousov PV, Afanasyeva MA, Gubernatorova EO, Bogolyubova AV, Uvarova AN, Putlyaeva LV, Ramanauskaite EM, Kopylov AT, Demin DE, Tatosyan KA, Ustiugova AS, Prokofjeva MM, Lanshchakov KV, Vanushko VE, Zaretsky AR, Severskaia NV, Dvinskikh NY, Abrosimov AY, Kuprash DV, Schwartz AM. Multi-dimensional immunoproteomics coupled with in vitro recapitulation of oncogenic NRASQ61R identifies diagnostically relevant autoantibody biomarkers in thyroid neoplasia. Cancer Lett. 2019. 467:96-106. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.07.013.
Gubernatorova EO, Namakanova OA, Tumanov AV, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA. Mouse models of severe asthma for evaluation of therapeutic cytokine targeting. Immunol Lett. 2019. 207:73-83. doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2018.11.012.
Rauwel B., Simons N., Diallo K., Baron M., Degboe Y., Kruglov A., Nedospasov S., Constantin A., Cantagrel A., Davignon J.L. In vivo demonstration of tmTNF reverse signaling: significance in the therapeutic response to anti-TNF agents during murine arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2019 . 78, A14-A15, DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-EWRR2019.30
Maslennikova SO, Gerlinskaya LA, Kontsevaya GV, Anisimova MV, Nedospasov SA, Feofanova NA, Moshkin MP, Moshkin YM. TNFα is responsible for the canonical offspring number-size trade-off. Sci Rep. 2019. 9(1):4568. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-38844-9.
Piliponsky AM, Shubin NJ, Lahiri AK, Truong P, Clauson M, Niino K, Tsuha AL, Nedospasov SA, Karasuyama H, Reber LL, Tsai M, Mukai K, Galli SJ. Basophil-derived tumor necrosis factor can enhance survival in a sepsis model in mice. Nat Immunol. 2019. 20(2):129-140. doi: 10.1038/s41590-018-0288-7.
Drutskaya MS, Efimov GA, Astrakhantseva IV, Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA. Making anti-cytokine therapy more selective: Studies in mice. Cytokine. 2018 Jan;101:33-38. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2016.08.022.
Atretkhany KN, Mufazalov IA, Dunst J, Kuchmiy A, Gogoleva VS, Andruszewski D, Drutskaya MS, Faustman DL, Schwabenland M, Prinz M, Kruglov AA, Waisman A, Nedospasov SA. Intrinsic TNFR2 signaling in T regulatory cells provides protection in CNS autoimmunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018. 115(51):13051-13056. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1807499115.
Gogoleva VS, Atretkhany KN, Drutskaya MS, Mufazalov IA, Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA. Cytokines as Mediators of Neuroinflammation in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2018. 83(9):1089-1103. doi: 10.1134/S0006297918090110.
Gorshkova E.N., Efimov G.A., Ermakova K.D., Vasilenko E.A., Yuzhakova D.V., Shirmanova M.V., Mokhonov V.V., Tillib S.V., Nedospasov S.A., Astrakhantseva I.V. Properties of Fluorescent Far-Red Anti-TNF Nanobodies. Antibodies. 2018. 7, 443, DOI: 10.3390/antib7040043
Gubernatorova EO, Gorshkova EA, Namakanova OA, Zvartsev RV, Hidalgo J, Drutskaya MS, Tumanov AV, Nedospasov SA. Non-redundant Functions of IL-6 Produced by Macrophages and Dendritic Cells in Allergic Airway Inflammation. Front Immunol. 2018. 9:2718. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02718.
Nosenko MA, Moysenovich AM, Zvartsev RV, Arkhipova AY, Zhdanova AS, Agapov II, Vasilieva TV, Bogush VG, Debabov VG, Nedospasov SA, Moisenovich MM, Drutskaya MS. Novel Biodegradable Polymeric Microparticles Facilitate Scarless Wound Healing by Promoting Re-epithelialization and Inhibiting Fibrosis. Front Immunol. 2018. 9:2851. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02851.
Zvartsev RV, Korshunova DS, Gorshkova EA, Nosenko MA, Korneev KV, Maksimenko OG, Korobko IV, Kuprash DV, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA, Deikin AV. Neonatal Lethality and Inflammatory Phenotype of the New Transgenic Mice with Overexpression of Human Interleukin-6 in Myeloid Cells. Dokl Biochem Biophys. 2018. 483(1):344-347. doi: 10.1134/S1607672918060157.
Drutskaya MS, Gogoleva VS, Atretkhany KN, Gubernatorova EO, Zvartsev RV, Nosenko MA, Nedospasov SA. [Proinflammatory and Immunoregulatory Functions of Interleukin 6 as Identified by Reverse Genetics]. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2018. 52(6):963-974. doi: 10.1134/S0026898418060058.
Korneev KV, Kondakova AN, Sviriaeva EN, Mitkin NA, Palmigiano A, Kruglov AA, Telegin GB, Drutskaya MS, Sturiale L, Garozzo D, Nedospasov SA, Knirel YA, Kuprash DV. Hypoacylated LPS from Foodborne Pathogen Campylobacter jejuni Induces Moderate TLR4-Mediated Inflammatory Response in Murine Macrophages. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2018. 8:58. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00058.
Dudeck J, Froebel J, Kotrba J, Lehmann CHK, Dudziak D, Speier S, Nedospasov SA, Schraven B, Dudeck A. Engulfment of mast cell secretory granules on skin inflammation boosts dendritic cell migration and priming efficiency. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018. pii: S0091-6749(18)31443-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.08.052.
Schaeuble K, Britschgi MR, Scarpellino L, Favre S, Xu Y, Koroleva E, Lissandrin TKA, Link A, Matloubian M, Ware CF, Nedospasov SA, Tumanov AV, Cyster JG, Luther SA. Perivascular Fibroblasts of the Developing Spleen Act as LTα1β2-Dependent Precursors of Both T and B Zone Organizer Cells. Cell Rep. 2017. 21(9):2500-2514. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.10.119.
Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA. Cytokine neutralization at specific cellular source : A new therapeutic paradigm? Z Rheumatol. 2017. 76(Suppl 1):22-24. doi: 10.1007/s00393-016-0215-y.
Drutskaya MS, Efimov GA, Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA. Can we design a better anti-cytokine therapy? J Leukoc Biol. 2017. 102(3):783-790. doi: 10.1189/jlb.3MA0117-025R.
Nosenko MA, Atretkhany KN, Mokhonov VV, Efimov GA, Kruglov AA, Tillib SV, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA. VHH-Based Bispecific Antibodies Targeting Cytokine Production. Front Immunol. 2017. 8:1073. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01073.
Nosenko MA, Maluchenko NV, Drutskaya MS, Arkhipova AY, Agapov II, Nedospasov SA, Moisenovich MM. Induction of ICAM-1 Expression in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts Cultured on Fibroin-Gelatin Scaffolds. Acta Naturae. 2017.(3):89-93. PMID: 29104780
Wang X, Chen H, Tian R, Zhang Y, Drutskaya MS, Wang C, Ge J, Fan Z, Kong D, Wang X, Cai T, Zhou Y, Wang J, Wang J, Wang S, Qin Z, Jia H, Wu Y, Liu J, Nedospasov SA, Tredget EE, Lin M, Liu J, Jiang Y, Wu Y. Macrophages induce AKT/β-catenin-dependent Lgr5+ stem cell activation and hair follicle regeneration through TNF. Nat Commun. 2017. 8:14091. doi: 10.1038/ncomms14091.
Korneev KV, Atretkhany KN, Drutskaya MS, Grivennikov SI, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. TLR-signaling and proinflammatory cytokines as drivers of tumorigenesis. Cytokine. 2017. 89:127-135. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2016.01.021.
Kuprash DV, Garib FY, Nedospasov SA. [Antibody-Based Drugs and Other Recombinant Proteins for Diagnostics and Therapy of Viral Infections, Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer]. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2017. 51(6):883-885. doi: 10.7868/S0026898417060015.
Wolf Y, Shemer A, Polonsky M, Gross M, Mildner A, Yona S, David E, Kim KW, Goldmann T, Amit I, Heikenwalder M, Nedospasov S, Prinz M, Friedman N, Jung S. Autonomous TNF is critical for in vivo monocyte survival in steady state and inflammation. J Exp Med. 2017. 214(4):905-917. doi: 10.1084/jem.20160499.
Shebzukhov YV, Stanislawiak S, Bezhaeva TR, Nedospasov SA, Kuprash DV. Low level of Lck kinase in Th2 cells limits expression of CD4 co-receptor and S73 phosphorylation of transcription factor c-Jun. Sci Rep. 2017. 7(1):2339. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02553-y.
Kuprash DV, Garib FY, Nedospasov SA. [Antibody-Based Drugs and Other Recombinant Proteins for Diagnostics and Therapy of Viral Infections, Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer]. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2017. 51(6):883-885. doi: 10.7868/S0026898417060015.
Efimov GA, Raats JMH, Chirivi RGS, van Rosmalen JWG, Nedospasov SA. [Humanization of Murine Monoclonal anti-hTNF Antibody: The F10 Story]. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2017. 51(6):1062-1068. doi: 10.7868/S0026898417060167.
Atretkhany KS, Nosenko MA, Gogoleva VS, Zvartsev RV, Qin Z, Nedospasov SA, Drutskaya MS. TNF Neutralization Results in the Delay of Transplantable Tumor Growth and Reduced MDSC Accumulation. Front Immunol. 2016. 7:147. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2016.00147.
Efimov GA, Kruglov AA, Khlopchatnikova ZV, Rozov FN, Mokhonov VV, Rose-John S, Scheller J, Gordon S, Stacey M, Drutskaya MS, Tillib SV, Nedospasov SA. Cell type-restricted anti-cytokine therapy: TNF inhibition from one pathogenic source. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016. 113(11):3006-11. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1520175113.
Atretkhany KN, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA, Grivennikov SI, Kuprash DV. Chemokines, cytokines and exosomes help tumors to shape inflammatory microenvironment. Pharmacol Ther. 2016. 168:98-112. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2016.09.011.
Sviriaeva EN, Korneev KV, Drutskaya MS, Kuprash DV. Mechanisms of Changes in Immune Response during Bacterial Coinfections of the Respiratory Tract. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2016. 81(11):1340-1349. doi: 10.1134/S0006297916110110
Atretkhany KN, Drutskaya MS. Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells and Proinflammatory Cytokines as Targets for Cancer Therapy. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2016. 81(11):1274-1283. doi: 10.1134/S0006297916110055.
Sviriaeva EN, Korneev KV, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA, Kuprash DV. Modeling of viral-bacterial coinfections at the molecular level using agonists of innate immunity receptors. Dokl Biochem Biophys. 2016. 471(1):393-395. doi: 10.1134/S1607672916060053.
Nosenko MA, Drutskaya MS, Moisenovich MM, Nedospasov SA. Bioengineering of Artificial Lymphoid Organs. Acta Naturae. 2016. 8(2):10-23. PMID: 27437136
Arkhipova AY, Kotlyarova MC, Novichkova SG, Agapova OI, Kulikov DA, Kulikov AV, Drutskaya MS, Agapov II, Moisenovich MM. New Silk Fibroin-Based Bioresorbable Microcarriers. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2016. 160(4):491-4. doi: 10.1007/s10517-016-3204-x.
Zhang J, Rudemiller NP, Patel MB, Wei Q, Karlovich NS, Jeffs AD, Wu M, Sparks MA, Privratsky JR, Herrera M, Gurley SB, Nedospasov SA, Crowley SD. Competing Actions of Type 1 Angiotensin II Receptors Expressed on T Lymphocytes and Kidney Epithelium during Cisplatin-Induced AKI. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016. 27(8):2257-64. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2015060683.
Gorshkova EA, Nedospasov SA, Shilov ES. [Evolutionary plasticity of IL-6 cytokine family]. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2016. 50(6):1039-1048. doi: 10.7868/S0026898416060069.
Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Inflammation. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2016. 81(11):1237-1239. doi: 10.1134/S0006297916110018.
Arkhipova AY, Nosenko MA, Malyuchenko NV, Zvartsev RV, Moisenovich AM, Zhdanova AS, Vasil’eva TV, Gorshkova EA, Agapov II, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA, Moisenovich MM. Effects of Fibroin Microcarriers on Inflammation and Regeneration of Deep Skin Wounds in Mice. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2016. 81(11):1251-1260. doi: 10.1134/S0006297916110031.
Yuzhakova DV, Shirmanova MV, Bocharov AA, Astrakhantseva IV, Vasilenko EA, Gorshkova EN, Drutskaya MS, Zagaynova EV, Nedospasov SA, Kruglov AA. Microbiota Induces Expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor in Postnatal Mouse Skin. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2016. 81(11):1303-1308. doi: 10.1134/S0006297916110080.
Lemos, D.R., Babaeijandaghi, F., Low, M., Chang, C.-K., Lee, S.T., Fiore, D., Zhang, R.-H., Natarajan, A., Nedospasov, S.A., Rossi, F.M.V. Nilotinib reduces muscle fibrosis in chronic muscle injury by promoting TNF-mediated apoptosis of fibro/adipogenic progenitors. Nat Med. 2015. 21(7): 786-794. doi: 10.1038/nm.3869.
Drutskaya MS, Nosenko MA, Atretkhany KS, Efimov GA, Nedospasov SA. [Interleukin-6: From molecular mechanisms of signal transduction to physiological properties and therapeutic targeting]. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2015. 49(6):937-43. doi: 10.7868/S0026898415060063. Russian.
Korneev KV, Arbatsky NP, Molinaro A, Palmigiano A, Shaikhutdinova RZ, Shneider MM, Pier GB, Kondakova AN, Sviriaeva EN, Sturiale L, Garozzo D, Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA, Drutskaya MS, Knirel YA, Kuprash DV. Structural Relationship of the Lipid A Acyl Groups to Activation of Murine Toll-Like Receptor 4 by Lipopolysaccharides from Pathogenic Strains of Burkholderia mallei, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Front Immunol. 2015. 6:595. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2015.00595.
Olleros ML, Chavez-Galan L, Segueni N, Bourigault ML, Vesin D, Kruglov AA, Drutskaya MS, Bisig R, Ehlers S, Aly S, Walter K, Kuprash DV, Chouchkova M, Kozlov SV, Erard F, Ryffel B, Quesniaux VF, Nedospasov SA, Garcia I. Control of Mycobacterial Infections in Mice Expressing Human Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) but Not Mouse TNF. Infect Immun. 2015. 83(9):3612-23. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00743-15.
Dudeck J, Ghouse SM, Lehmann CH, Hoppe A, Schubert N, Nedospasov SA, Dudziak D, Dudeck A. Mast-Cell-Derived TNF Amplifies CD8(+) Dendritic Cell Functionality and CD8(+) T Cell Priming. Cell Rep. 2015. 13(2):399-411. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.08.078.
Awad AS, You H, Gao T, Cooper TK, Nedospasov SA, Vacher J, Wilkinson PF, Farrell FX, Brian Reeves W. Macrophage-derived tumor necrosis factor-α mediates diabetic renal injury. Kidney Int. 2015. 88(4):722-33. doi: 10.1038/ki.2015.162.
Belousov PV, Bogolyubova AV, Kim YS, Abrosimov AY, Kopylov AT, Tvardovskiy AA, Lanshchakov KV, Sazykin AY, Dvinskikh NY, Bobrovskaya YI, Selivanova LS, Shilov ES, Schwartz AM, Shebzukhov YV, Severskaia NV, Vanushko VE, Moshkovskii SA, Nedospasov SA, Kuprash DV. Serum Immunoproteomics Combined With Pathological Reassessment of Surgical Specimens Identifies TCP-1ζ Autoantibody as a Potential Biomarker in Thyroid Neoplasia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015. 100(9):E1206-15. doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-4260.
Bénézech C, Luu NT, Walker JA, Kruglov AA, Loo Y, Nakamura K, Zhang Y, Nayar S, Jones LH, Flores-Langarica A, McIntosh A, Marshall J, Barone F, Besra G, Miles K, Allen JE, Gray M, Kollias G, Cunningham AF, Withers DR, Toellner KM, Jones ND, Veldhoen M, Nedospasov SA, McKenzie ANJ, Caamaño JH. Inflammation-induced formation of fat-associated lymphoid clusters. Nat Immunol. 2015. 16(8):819-828. doi: 10.1038/ni.3215.
Van Praet JT, Donovan E, Vanassche I, Drennan MB, Windels F, Dendooven A, Allais L, Cuvelier CA, van de Loo F, Norris PS, Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA, Rabot S, Tito R, Raes J, Gaboriau-Routhiau V, Cerf-Bensussan N, Van de Wiele T, Eberl G, Ware CF, Elewaut D. Commensal microbiota influence systemic autoimmune responses. EMBO J. 2015. 34(4):466-74. doi: 10.15252/embj.201489966.
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Winsauer C, Kruglov AA, Chashchina AA, Drutskaya MS, Nedospasov SA. Cellular sources of pathogenic and protective TNF and experimental strategies based on utilization of TNF humanized mice. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2014. 25(2):115-23. doi: 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2013.12.005.
Drutskaya MS, Efimov GA, Zvartsev RV, Chashchina AA, Chudakov DM, Tillib SV, Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA. Experimental models of arthritis in which pathogenesis is dependent on TNF expression. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2014. 79(12):1349-57. doi: 10.1134/S0006297914120086.
Korneev KV, Kondakova AN, Arbatsky NP, Novototskaya-Vlasova KA, Rivkina EM, Anisimov AP, Kruglov AA, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA, Knirel YA, Drutskaya MS. Distinct biological activity of lipopolysaccharides with different lipid A acylation status from mutant strains of Yersinia pestis and some members of genus Psychrobacter. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2014. 79(12):1333-8. doi: 10.1134/S0006297914120062.
Drennan MB, Govindarajan S, De Wilde K, Schlenner SM, Ware C, Nedospasov S, Rodewald HR, Elewaut D. The thymic microenvironment differentially regulates development and trafficking of invariant NKT cell sublineages. J Immunol. 2014. 193(12):5960-72. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1401601.
Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA. Microbiota, intestinal immunity, and mouse bustle. Acta Naturae. 2014. 6(1):6-8. PMID: 24772322
Shebzukhov YV, Horn K, Brazhnik KI, Drutskaya MS, Kuchmiy AA, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Dynamic changes in chromatin conformation at the TNF transcription start site in T helper lymphocyte subsets. Eur J Immunol. 2014. 44(1):251-64. doi: 10.1002/eji.201243297.
Shebzukhov YV, Kuchmiy AA, Kruglov AA, Zipp F, Siffrin V, Nedospasov SA. Experimental applications of TNF-reporter mice with far-red fluorescent label. Methods Mol Biol. 2014. 1155:151-62. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-0669-7_13.
Astrakhantseva IV, Efimov GA, Drutskaya MS, Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA. Modern anti-cytokine therapy of autoimmune diseases. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2014. 79(12):1308-21. doi: 10.1134/S0006297914120049.
Kondratieva TK, Linge IA, Kondratieva EV, Dyatlov AV, Drutskaya MS, Zvartsev RV, Nedospasov SA, Apt AS. Formation of compact aggregates of B-lymphocytes in lung tissue during mycobacterial infection in mice depends on TNF production by these cells and is not an element of the host’s immunological protection. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2014. 79(12):1358-62. doi: 10.1134/S0006297914120098.
Shilov ES, Kislyakov IV, Gorshkova EA, Zvartsev RV, Drutskaya MS, Mufazalov IA, Skulachev VP, Nedospasov SA. Mouse lymphomyeloid cells can function with significantly decreased expression levels of cytochrome C. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2014. 79(12):1412-22. doi: 10.1134/S0006297914120177.
Laske K, Shebzukhov YV, Grosse-Hovest L, Kuprash DV, Khlgatian SV, Koroleva EP, Sazykin AY, Penkov DN, Belousov PV, Stevanovic S, Vass V, Walter S, Eisel D, Schmid-Horch BD, Nedospasov SA, Rammensee HG, Gouttefangeas C. Alternative variants of human HYDIN are novel cancer-associated antigens recognized by adaptive immunity. Cancer Immunol Res. 2013. 1(3):190-200. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-13-0079.
Kruglov AA, Grivennikov SI, Kuprash DV, Winsauer C, Prepens S, Seleznik GM, Eberl G, Littman DR, Heikenwalder M, Tumanov AV, Nedospasov SA. Nonredundant function of soluble LTα3 produced by innate lymphoid cells in intestinal homeostasis. Science. 2013. 342(6163):1243-6. doi: 10.1126/science.1243364.
Allie N, Grivennikov SI, Keeton R, Hsu NJ, Bourigault ML, Court N, Fremond C, Yeremeev V, Shebzukhov Y, Ryffel B, Nedospasov SA, Quesniaux VF, Jacobs M. Prominent role for T cell-derived tumour necrosis factor for sustained control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Sci Rep. 2013. 3:1809. doi: 10.1038/srep01809.
Bozrova SV, Levitskiĭ VA, Nedospasov SA, Drutskaia MS. Imiquimod: the biochemical mechanisms of immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity. Biomed Khim. 2013. 59(3):249-66. doi: 10.18097/pbmc20135903249.
Kondakova AN, Drutskaya MS, Shashkov AS, Nedospasov SA, Akimov VN, Arbatsky NP, Galchenko VF, Knirel YA. Structure of the O-polysaccharide of Pseudomonas mandelii CYar1 containing 3,6-dideoxy-4-C-[(S)-1-hydroxyethyl]-D-xylo-hexose (yersiniose A). Carbohydr Res. 2013. 381:138-41. doi: 10.1016/j.carres.2013.08.016.
Rothe M, Quarcoo D, Chashchina AA, Bozrova SV, Qin Z, Nedospasov SA, Blankenstein T, Kammertoens T, Drutskaya MS. IL-13 but not IL-4 signaling via IL-4Rα protects mice from papilloma formation during DMBA/TPA two-step skin carcinogenesis. Cancer Med. 2013. 2(6):815-25. doi: 10.1002/cam4.145.
Kondakova AN, Novototskaya-Vlasova KA, Arbatsky NP, Drutskaya MS, Shcherbakova VA, Shashkov AS, Gilichinsky DA, Nedospasov SA, Knirel YA. Structure of the O-specific polysaccharide from the lipopolysaccharide of Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5(T) containing a 2,3,4-triacetamido-2,3,4-trideoxy-L-arabinose moiety. J Nat Prod. 2012. 75(12):2236-40. doi: 10.1021/np300484m.
Kuchmiy AA, Efimov GA, Nedospasov SA. Methods for in vivo molecular imaging. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2012. 77(12):1339-53. doi: 10.1134/S0006297912120012.
Kondakova AN, Novototskaya-Vlasova KA, Shashkov AS, Drutskaya MS, Senchenkova SN, Shcherbakova VA, Gilichinsky DA, Nedospasov SA, Knirel YA. Structure of an acidic polysaccharide isolated from Psychrobacter maritimus 3pS containing a bacillosamine derivative. Carbohydr Res. 2012. 359:7-10. doi: 10.1016/j.carres.2012.07.007.
Kondakova AN, Novototskaya-Vlasova KA, Drutskaya MS, Senchenkova SN, Shcherbakova VA, Shashkov AS, Gilichinsky DA, Nedospasov SA, Knirel YA. Structure of the O-polysaccharide chain of the lipopolysaccharide of Psychrobacter muricolla 2pS(T) isolated from overcooled water brines within permafrost. Carbohydr Res. 2012. 349:78-81. doi: 10.1016/j.carres.2011.11.027.
Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA. Comment on «experimental arthritis triggers periodontal disease in mice: involvement of TNF-α and the oral microbiota». J Immunol. 2012. 188(1):4-5; author reply 5-6. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1190080
Guk KD, Kuprash DV. Interleukin-11, an IL-6 like cytokine. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2011. 45(1):44-55. PMID: 21485496
Shebzukhov IuV, Kuprash DV. Transcriptional regulation of TNF/LT locus in immune cells. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2011. 45(1):56-67. PMID: 21485497
Kruglov AA, Tumanov AV, Grivennikov SI, Shebzukhov YV, Kuchmiy AA, Efimov GA, Drutskaya MS, Scheller J, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Modalities of experimental TNF blockade in vivo: mouse models. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2011. 691:421-31. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-6612-4_44.
Kruglov, A.A., Lampropoulou, V., Fillatreau, S. and Nedospasov, S.A. Pathogenic and protective functions of TNF in neuroinflammation are defined by its expression in T lymphocytes and myeloid cells. J. Immunol. 2011. 187: 5660-5670. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1100663
Widenmeyer M, Shebzukhov Y, Haen SP, Schmidt D, Clasen S, Boss A, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA, Stenzl A, Aebert H, Wernet D, Stevanović S, Pereira PL, Rammensee HG, Gouttefangeas C. Analysis of tumor antigen-specific T cells and antibodies in cancer patients treated with radiofrequency ablation. Int J Cancer. 2011. 128(11):2653-62. doi: 10.1002/ijc.25601.
Conrad U, Plagmann I, Malchow S, Sack M, Floss DM, Kruglov AA, Nedospasov SA, Rose-John S, Scheller J. ELPylated anti-human TNF therapeutic single-domain antibodies for prevention of lethal septic shock. Plant Biotechnol J. 2011. 9(1):22-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2010.00523.x.
Nedospasov SA. Molecular Immunology- the centuries and sciences borders. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2011. 45(1):3-6. PMID: 21485492
Drutskaia MS, Belousov PV, Nedospasov SA. Innate immunity against viruses. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2011. 45(1):7-19. PMID: 21485493
Drutskaya MS, Efimov GA, Kruglov AA, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Tumor necrosis factor, lymphotoxin and cancer. IUBMB Life. 2010. 62(4):283-9. doi: 10.1002/iub.309.
Wang Y, Koroleva EP, Kruglov AA, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA, Fu YX, Tumanov AV. Lymphotoxin beta receptor signaling in intestinal epithelial cells orchestrates innate immune responses against mucosal bacterial infection. Immunity. 2010. 32(3):403-13. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2010.02.011.
Tumanov AV, Grivennikov SI, Kruglov AA, Shebzukhov YV, Koroleva EP, Piao Y, Cui CY, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Cellular source and molecular form of TNF specify its distinct functions in organization of secondary lymphoid organs. Blood. 2010. 116(18):3456-64. doi: 10.1182/blood-2009-10-249177.
Belousov PV, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA, Shebzukhov YV. Autoantibodies to tumor-associated antigens as cancer biomarkers. Curr Mol Med. 2010. 10(2):115-22. doi: 10.2174/156652410790963259.
Quesniaux VF, Jacobs M, Allie N, Grivennikov S, Nedospasov SA, Garcia I, Olleros ML, Shebzukhov Y, Kuprash D, Vasseur V, Rose S, Court N, Vacher R, Ryffel B. TNF in host resistance to tuberculosis infection. Curr Dir Autoimmun. 2010. 11:157-79. doi: 10.1159/000289204.
Arbatsky NP, Kondakova AN, Shashkov AS, Drutskaya MS, Belousov PV, Nedospasov SA, Petrova MA, Knirel YA. Structure of the O-antigen of Acinetobacter lwoffii EK30A; identification of d-homoserine, a novel non-sugar component of bacterial polysaccharides. Org Biomol Chem. 2010. 8(15):3571-7. doi: 10.1039/c004090h.
Liepinsh DJ, Kruglov AA, Galimov AR, Shakhov AN, Shebzukhov YV, Kuchmiy AA, Grivennikov SI, Tumanov AV, Drutskaya MS, Feigenbaum L, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Accelerated thymic atrophy as a result of elevated homeostatic expression of the genes encoded by the TNF/lymphotoxin cytokine locus. Eur J Immunol. 2009. 39(10):2906-15. doi: 10.1002/eji.200839191.
Efimov GA, Kruglov AA, Tillib SV, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Tumor Necrosis Factor and the consequences of its ablation in vivo. Mol Immunol. 2009. 47(1):19-27. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2009.01.007.
Plagmann I, Chalaris A, Kruglov AA, Nedospasov S, Rosenstiel P, Rose-John S, Scheller J. Transglutaminase-catalyzed covalent multimerization of Camelidae anti-human TNF single domain antibodies improves neutralizing activity. J Biotechnol. 2009. 142(2):170-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2009.04.002.
Mufazalov IA, Pen’kov DN, Cherniak BV, Pletiushkina OIu, Vysokikh MIu, Kirpichnikov MP, Dolgikh DA, Kruglov AA, Kuprash DV, Skulachev VP, Nedospasov SA. Preparation and characterization of mouse embryonic fibroblasts with K72W mutation in somatic cytochrome C gene. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2009. 43(4):648-56. PMID: 19807028
Belousov PV, Kuprash DV, Sazykin AY, Khlgatian SV, Penkov DN, Shebzukhov YV, Nedospasov SA. Cancer-associated antigens and antigen arrays in serological diagnostics of malignant tumors. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2008. 73(5):562-72. doi: 10.1134/s000629790805009x.
Kruglov AA, Kuchmiy A, Grivennikov SI, Tumanov AV, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Physiological functions of tumor necrosis factor and the consequences of its pathologic overexpression or blockade: mouse models. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2008. 19(3-4):231-44. doi: 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2008.04.010.
Shebzukhov YV, Lavrik IN, Karbach J, Khlgatian SV, Koroleva EP, Belousov PV, Kashkin KN, Knuth A, Jager E, Chi NW, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Human tankyrases are aberrantly expressed in colon tumors and contain multiple epitopes that induce humoral and cellular immune responses in cancer patients. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2008. 57(6):871-81. doi: 10.1007/s00262-007-0423-z.
Galimov AR, Kruglov AA, Bol’sheva NL, Iurkevich OIu, Lipin’sh DIa, Mufazalov IA, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. [Chromosomal localization and molecular organization of human genomic fragment containing TNF/LT locus in transgenic mice]. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2008. 42(4):629-38. doi: 10.1134/s0026893308040201.
Kuprash DV, Qin Z, Ito D, Grivennikov SI, Abe K, Drutskaya LN, Blankenstein T, Nedospasov SA. Ablation of TNF or lymphotoxin signaling and the frequency of spontaneous tumors in p53-deficient mice. Cancer Lett. 2008. 268(1):70-5. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2008.03.023.
Jungbeck M, Stopfer P, Bataille F, Nedospasov SA, Männel DN, Hehlgans T. Blocking lymphotoxin beta receptor signalling exacerbates acute DSS-induced intestinal inflammation—opposite functions for surface lymphotoxin expressed by T and B lymphocytes. Mol Immunol. 2008. 45(1):34-41. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2007.05.007.
Belousov PV, Shebzukhov IuV, Nedospasov SA, Kuprash DV. [Onconeural antibodies as a tool for diagnosis of malignant tumors and paraneoplastic neurological disorders]. Mol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol. 2007. (2):6-13. PMID: 17598451
Shebzukhov IuV, Belousov PV, Khlgatian SV, Sazykin AIu, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. [Contemporary molecular-biological methods of cancer diagnosis and monitoring based on the humoral immune response to tumor-associated antigens]. Mol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol. 2007. (2):3-6. PMID: 17600920
Nedospasov SA, Kuprash DV. Oncoimmunology: some fundamental problems of cancer immunotherapy. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2007. 41(2):355-68. PMID: 17514902
Kashkin KN, Khlgatian SV, Gurova OV, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. New mutations in the human p53 gene—a regulator of the cell cycle and carcinogenesis. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2007. 72(3):282-92. doi: 10.1134/s0006297907030054.
Shebzukhov YV, Koroleva EP, Khlgatian SV, Belousov PV, Sazykin AY, Kadachigova TS, Pomerantseva EA, Lagarkova MA, Nedospasov SA, Kuprash DV. RAP80/UIMC1 as cancer-associated antigen: alternative splice variants and their immunogenicity. Cancer Lett. 2007. 255(2):255-62. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2007.04.013.
Grivennikov SI, Kuprash DV, Liu ZG, Nedospasov SA. Intracellular signals and events activated by cytokines of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily: From simple paradigms to complex mechanisms. Int Rev Cytol. 2006. 252:129-61. doi: 10.1016/S0074-7696(06)52002-9.
Welniak LA, Kuprash DV, Tumanov AV, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Blazar BR, Sun K, Nedospasov SA, Murphy WJ. Peyer patches are not required for acute graft-versus-host disease after myeloablative conditioning and murine allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Blood. 2006. 107(1):410-2. Epub 2005 Sep 13. doi: 10.1182/blood-2004-11-4565.
Liepinsh DJ, Grivennikov SI, Klarmann KD, Lagarkova MA, Drutskaya MS, Lockett SJ, Tessarollo L, McAuliffe M, Keller JR, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Novel lymphotoxin alpha (LTalpha) knockout mice with unperturbed tumor necrosis factor expression: reassessing LTalpha biological functions. Mol Cell Biol. 2006. 26(11):4214-25. doi: 10.1128/MCB.01751-05.
Junt T, Tumanov AV, Harris N, Heikenwalder M, Zeller N, Kuprash DV, Aguzzi A, Ludewig B, Nedospasov SA, Zinkernagel RM. Expression of lymphotoxin beta governs immunity at two distinct levels. Eur J Immunol. 2006. 36(8):2061-75. doi: 10.1002/eji.200626255.
Drutskaya MS, Ortiz M, Liepinsh DJ, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA, Keller JR. Inhibitory effects of tumor necrosis factor on hematopoiesis seen in vitro are translated to increased numbers of both committed and multipotent progenitors in TNF-deficient mice. Exp Hematol. 2005. 33(11):1348-56. doi: 10.1016/j.exphem.2005.08.001.
Grivennikov SI, Tumanov AV, Liepinsh DJ, Kruglov AA, Marakusha BI, Shakhov AN, Murakami T, Drutskaya LN, Förster I, Clausen BE, Tessarollo L, Ryffel B, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Distinct and nonredundant in vivo functions of TNF produced by t cells and macrophages/neutrophils: protective and deleterious effects. Immunity. 2005. 22(1):93-104. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2004.11.016.
Kuprash DV, Tumanov AV, Liepinsh DJ, Koroleva EP, Drutskaya MS, Kruglov AA, Shakhov AN, Southon E, Murphy WJ, Tessarollo L, Grivennikov SI, Nedospasov SA. Novel tumor necrosis factor-knockout mice that lack Peyer’s patches. Eur J Immunol. 2005. 35(5):1592-600. doi: 10.1002/eji.200526119.
Komarova EA, Krivokrysenko V, Wang K, Neznanov N, Chernov MV, Komarov PG, Brennan ML, Golovkina TV, Rokhlin OW, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA, Hazen SL, Feinstein E, Gudkov AV. p53 is a suppressor of inflammatory response in mice. FASEB J. 2005. 19(8):1030-2. Epub 2005 Apr 5. doi: 10.1096/fj.04-3213fje.
Shebzukhov YV, Koroleva EP, Khlgatian SV, Lagarkova MA, Meshcheryakov AA, Lichinitser MR, Karbach J, Jager E, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Humoral immune response to thymidylate synthase in colon cancer patients after 5-FU chemotherapy. Immunol Lett. 2005. 100(1):88-93. doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2005.06.011.
Shebzukhov YV, Koroleva EP, Khlgatian SV, Belousov PV, Kuz’mina KE, Radko BV, Longpre F, Lagarkova MA, Kadachigova TS, Gurova OV, Meshcheryakov AA, Lichinitser MR, Knuth A, Jager E, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Antibody response to a non-conserved C-terminal part of human histone deacetylase 3 in colon cancer patients. Int J Cancer. 2005. 117(5):800-6. doi: 10.1002/ijc.21240.
Shakhov AN, Rybtsov S, Tumanov AV, Shulenin S, Dean M, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. SMUCKLER/TIM4 is a distinct member of TIM family expressed by stromal cells of secondary lymphoid tissues and associated with lymphotoxin signaling. Eur J Immunol. 2004. 34(2):494-503. doi: 10.1002/eji.200324590.
Koroleva EP, Lagar’kova MA, Khlgatian SV, Shebzukhov IuV, Meshcheriakov AA, lichinitser MR, Nedospasov SA, Kuprash DV. Serological study of a repertoire of human cancer antigens and autoantigens. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2004. 38(2):233-8. PMID: 15125227
Tumanov AV, Kuprash DV, Mach JA, Nedospasov SA, Chervonsky AV. Lymphotoxin and TNF produced by B cells are dispensable for maintenance of the follicle-associated epithelium but are required for development of lymphoid follicles in the Peyer’s patches. J Immunol. 2004. 173(1):86-91. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.173.1.86.
Tumanov AV, Grivennikov SI, Shakhov AN, Rybtsov SA, Koroleva EP, Takeda J, Nedospasov SA, Kuprash DV. Dissecting the role of lymphotoxin in lymphoid organs by conditional targeting. Immunol Rev. 2003. 195:106-16. doi: 10.1034/j.1600-065x.2003.00071.x.
Lagarkova MA, Koroleva EP, Kuprash DV, Boitchenko VE, Kashkarova UA, Nedospasov SA, Shebzukhov YV. Evaluation of humoral response to tumor antigens using recombinant expression-based serological mini-arrays (SMARTA). Immunol Lett. 2003. 85(1):71-4. doi: 10.1016/s0165-2478(02)00209-2.
Abe K, Yarovinsky FO, Murakami T, Shakhov AN, Tumanov AV, Ito D, Drutskaya LN, Pfeffer K, Kuprash DV, Komschlies KL, Nedospasov SA. Distinct contributions of TNF and LT cytokines to the development of dendritic cells in vitro and their recruitment in vivo. Blood. 2003. 101(4):1477-83. doi: 10.1182/blood.V101.4.1477.
Tumanov AV, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. The role of lymphotoxin in development and maintenance of secondary lymphoid tissues. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2003. 14(3-4):275-88. doi: 10.1016/s1359-6101(03)00026-1.
Kuprash DV, Alimzhanov MB, Tumanov AV, Grivennikov SI, Shakhov AN, Drutskaya LN, Marino MW, Turetskaya RL, Anderson AO, Rajewsky K, Pfeffer K, Nedospasov SA. Redundancy in tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and lymphotoxin (LT) signaling in vivo: mice with inactivation of the entire TNF/LT locus versus single-knockout mice. Mol Cell Biol. 2002. 22(24):8626-34. doi: 10.1128/MCB.22.24.8626-8634.2002.
Kuprash DV, Boitchenko VE, Yarovinsky FO, Rice NR, Nordheim A, Rühlmann A, Nedospasov SA. Cyclosporin A blocks the expression of lymphotoxin alpha, but not lymphotoxin beta, in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Blood. 2002. 100(5):1721-7. PMID: 12176893
Tumanov A, Kuprash D, Lagarkova M, Grivennikov S, Abe K, Shakhov A, Drutskaya L, Stewart C, Chervonsky A, Nedospasov S. Distinct role of surface lymphotoxin expressed by B cells in the organization of secondary lymphoid tissues. Immunity. 2002. 17(3):239-50. doi: 10.1016/s1074-7613(02)00397-7.
Koroleva EP, Lagarkova MA, Mesheryakov AA, Scanlan MJ, Old LJ, Nedospasov SA, Kuprash DV. Serological identification of antigens associated with renal cell carcinoma. Russ J Immunol. 2002. 7(3):229-38. PMID: 12674932
Boĭchenko VE, Alimzhanov MB, Turetskaia RL, Rulman A, Nordhaim A, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Comparative characteristics of transcription of genes for alpha and beta-lymphotoxin subunits in B- and T-lymphocyte lines, in peripheral lymphocytes, and in normal human tissue. Mol Biol (Mosk). 2001. 35(1):128-35. PMID: 11234371
Kuimov AN, Kuprash DV, Petrov VN, Vdovichenko KK, Scanlan MJ, Jongeneel CV, Lagarkova MA, Nedospasov SA. Cloning and characterization of TNKL, a member of tankyrase gene family. Genes Immun. 2001. 2(1):52-5. doi: 10.1038/sj.gene.6363722.
Drutskaya MS, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA, Chertkov IL, Drize NI. Abnormal hemopoiesis in long-term bone marrow culture from tumor necrosis factor-deficient mice. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2001. 131(2):150-2. doi: 10.1023/a:1017591828442.
Shakhov AN, Lefgen H, Drutskaya LN, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Transcriptional Regulation of the Gene, Encoding p40 Subunit of IL-12 and IL-23, in Murine Macrophages. Russ J Immunol. 2001. 6(4):357-366. PMID: 12687234
Eskdale J, Turestkaya RL, Armstrong C, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA, Gallagher G. A polymorphic microsatellite marker in the human p55 TNF receptor, CD120a. Genes Immun. 2000. 1(3):228-30. doi: 10.1038/sj.gene.6363663.
Drize NI, Drutskaya MS, Gerasimova LP, Manakova TE, Chertkov IL, Turetskaya RL, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Changes in the hemopoietic system of mice deficient for tumor necrosis factor or lymphotoxin-alpha. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2000. 130(7):676-8. doi: 10.1007/BF02682103.
Boitchenko VE, Korobko VG, Prassolov VS, Kravchenko VV, Kuimov AN, Turetskaya RL, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA. Immunodetection of Murine Lymphotoxins in Eukaryotic Cells. Russ J Immunol. 2000. 5(3):259-266. PMID: 12687180
Kuprash DV, Alimzhanov MB, Tumanov AV, Anderson AO, Pfeffer K, Nedospasov SA. TNF and lymphotoxin beta cooperate in the maintenance of secondary lymphoid tissue microarchitecture but not in the development of lymph nodes. J Immunol. 1999. 163(12):6575-80. PMID: 10586051
Kuprash DV, Udalova IA, Turetskaya RL, Kwiatkowski D, Rice NR, Nedospasov SA. Similarities and differences between human and murine TNF promoters in their response to lipopolysaccharide. J Immunol. 1999. 162(7):4045-52. PMID: 10201927
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Turetskaia RL, Varfolomeev EE, Lopukhina AA, Udalova IA, Kuprash DV, Krasil’nikov AN, Chaplin DD, Nedospasov SA. A polymorphic markers for the p75 tumor necrosis factor receptor gene: use for analyzing disease linkage. Dokl Akad Nauk. 1996. 51(4):558-60. PMID: 9116596
Pokholok DK, Maroulakou IG, Kuprash DV, Alimzhanov MB, Kozlov SV, Novobrantseva TI, Turetskaya RL, Green JE, Nedospasov SA. Cloning and expression analysis of the murine lymphotoxin beta gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1995. 92(3):674-8. doi: 10.1073/pnas.92.3.674
Kuprash DV, Udalova IA, Turetskaya RL, Rice NR, Nedospasov SA. Conserved kappa B element located downstream of the tumor necrosis factor alpha gene: distinct NF-kappa B binding pattern and enhancer activity in LPS activated murine macrophages. Oncogene. 1995. 11(1):97-106. PMID: 7624137
Kuprash DV, Rice NR, Nedospasov SA. Homodimer of p50 (NF kappa B1) does not introduce a substantial directed bend into DNA according to three different experimental assays. Nucleic Acids Res. 1995. 23(3):427-33. doi: 10.1093/nar/23.3.427